Scarlett Johansson’s Breast Reduction
We’ve all heard of stories about actresses going under the knife to have some work done on their boobs. How many times have you heard of one getting an operation done to reduce the size of her knockers instead of having them inflated to absurd sizes?
And how many of those actresses who got breast reductions are actually high profile actresses that are easily recognized as household names?
I can’t remember any names but feel free to comment below if you know of one ok? (Editor note: Ariel Winter, Jennifer Connelly, Drew Barrymore, Loni Anderson… There is a long list really of stars who got breast reductions. You should write an article about them)
Today, we’re going to debate over the less is more concept of thinking and is it really all it is said to be?
Oh and if you’re wondering who we’re going to cover today, it’s going to be none other than our favorite Russian Avenger the Black Widow also known as Scarlett Johansson and her breast reduction. (Editor note… I’m sure they know. It was in the title)

And in my honest opinion there was nothing wrong with her boobs to start with. Had I known earlier that she was planning to minimize the size of her rack, I would have probably staged a rally in front of the health facility she was going to have the operation done in. Ahhh… but that’s all in hind sight. It’s been years since Scarlett Johansson got her breast reduction and I guess all we can do now is reminisce about the good old days when Scarlett had some jugs. Her somewhat slimmer profile now allows her to perform all those stunts as a super spy.
And if you don’t know who she is then I don’t know which rock you crawled from under buddy. Anyway, Scarlett Johansson is only one of the most beautiful and most bankable female actresses of all time. She started out as a child star back in the 90s. At 9 years old she was already acting alongside Hollywood heavy hitters like Dan Aykroyd, Elijah Wood, John Ritter and Bruce Willis. That film, North, went on to garner a lot of awards. That started her well on the way to a path of success on the silver screen.
As a precocious pre teen, she already showed signs of growing up to be a very beautiful woman. I fell in love with her then (Hey, don’t judge, I was in my early teens then so that’s not me being creepy okay?). She embodied the perfect child star image, blonde, blue eyed, great skin, and a pretty face. Her acting chops were also nothing to scoff at. She held her ground against her more established co stars in scenes where she performed with them.

It didn’t come as any surprise then that she would go on to star in highly acclaimed films like the Horse Whisperer and Lost in Translation when she grew older.
But what really made her a household name was her inclusion in the Avengers line up as the heavy hard hitter, master of espionage Natasha Romanoff AKA Black Widow. There we get to see Scarlett Johansson’s natural athleticism. Although there was a stunt double involved she did perform a lot of the stunts herself, so hats off to her for being such a trooper.
In all her years as a major Hollywood superstar she’s managed to pick the best roles and keep a rather clean albeit sexy image. That is until photos of her leaked where she was taking nude selfies of herself in a bathroom. Now, I don’t who that was intended for because at that time she was already divorced from Ryan Reynolds and dating a string of relatively unknown men. Whoever the recipient of those images was is a lucky bastard. It’s a good thing those images were shared to the rest of the world for those who were very curious about what she looked like underneath all her glitzy clothes.
And man we weren’t disappointed were we?
She fulfilled a lot of fantasies when digital images of her nakedness surfaced. Slightly pink tinged body and pink nipples really fit her right?
Oh yeah!
Puberty has been kind to her and she has grown up to be a very sexy woman indeed.
Call me a selfish prick but I think that was a really good thing that happened to Scarlett Johansson. Had she continued being a goodie two shoes she probably wouldn’t be as big as she is today.
Sure, sure she’s a really good actress but acting can only take you to a certain level. You need to be daring. You need to break social conventions to really showcase your art and all that crap.
Getting to see her in all her nakedness opened up a lot of doors for Scarlett Johansoon.
I think what she had in mind was “well, they’ve seen it all, so fuck it!” and that fuck you all attitude is what makes me admire her a lot.
What most actresses would consider a career killer became a door way to more challenging roles for Scarlett. That’s why you don’t hear that much about her leaked naked photos because she started starring films where she bared them all. Check out these films: Under The Skin and Ghost In The Shell.
Those two alone should give you more than an eyeful of everything you need to see of Scarlett Johansson short of a close up of her pussy lips or seeing a dick saw in and out of her. She’s still a Hollywood actress starring in mainstream films. Those scenes you’re thinking about are reserved for the porn industry and I doubt Scarlett will ever be in one of those. Maybe a home video of her in bed making love will surface in the future that’ll trigger that but who knows.
Okay… I may be wrong. But that’s still not that much of an extreme close up of her feminine parts so it doesn’t really count. We just see the outline of her pussy and with expert lighting still manage to hide it even though it’s practically there in plain sight. I admire whoever composed this shot.
Anyway, where were we? Oh yeah breast reduction.
When Scarlett Johansson first appeared onscreen all the focus was on her face. She was 9 at that time for christsakes so no one thought of her as a sexual object yet. Well, unless you’re one of those weirdos but hey, to each their own right? (Editor note: really? come on!)

Just please don’t go near a children’s park anytime in the future okay?
Anyway let’s speed up time and jump forward to when she appeared in the film “The Other Boleyn Girl”. There she plays the role of Mary Boleyn and although still considered a young starlet then, Scarlett’s body was definitely that of a woman’s. Like I said, puberty was good to her. She had been gifted with 36DDs and we barely noticed until she took on that role. At least I didn’t, I guess.
The next role that made me sit up and take notice was when she starred in the Iron Man 2 film. A crappy film for all accounts but thanks to Scarlett Johansson’s involvement, made it worthwhile. She didn’t really feature in that film for a long time but the moments that she is onscreen leave a lasting memory.

I had my doubts about her ability to pull off such a character because as a long time comic book fan, I knew that the Black Widow was a bad ass who needed someone who was just as bad ass as her to portray her on the silver screen. I hate to admit it but at that time I was thinking the best fit would be someone like Angelina Jolie. I’m glad the producers thought of giving another girl a chance at reaching bad ass status as Ms. Jolie.
To be honest, Scarlett Johansson was the farthest person on my mind to take up the role of Natasha Romanoff. She just looked too sweet to portray a hardened killer. It took me a couple of years to finally realize that the producers were geniuses to put her in that role. You’d never think of Scarlett Johansson as a spy so if you were the enemy, you’d just as easily pass her off as just another person in the crowd instead of the actual assassin who just took out a valuable target.
The most striking thing about her appearance as the deadliest avenger though was the obvious lack of er… upper body curves that she was once so famously known for. I mean where was her rack? She still had some cleavage going on but the absence of swinging jugs really made me wonder how tight her bra was at the time of filming.
That’s when I stumbled on the news of her having a breast reduction. She wanted smaller tits?
I howled out my displeasure of her having had such an operation done. From 36DDs she was now down two sizes and there was a very obvious difference.
Why would she do that? Why would she opt to go smaller in a world where bigger is better? Was she crazy?
Later on (well much, much, much later when the initial shock had worn off) I found out the real reason why. Although Scarlett Johansson was pleased with having naturally big boobs from the start she did have some issues with them as well. Aesthetically they were pleasing. It helped her land roles and the hottest men in Hollywood were definitely attracted to her. She even got the sexiest man in the world to marry her. Yeah we’re talking about Ryan Reynolds (which makes me wonder how these two erstwhile lovers would handle themselves if a crossover between the Avengers and Deadpool ever became a possibility). (Editor note: I didn’t know Ryan Reynolds was your man crush)

Alas, having a big rack isn’t just that pleasurable at all times. There’s a physical trade off that happens. The bigger your rack, the more back problems you’re going to have, unless you really work out and develop your core. Seems like a fair trade off.
Scarlett Johansson had the rack that had no business being on a person standing only 5’3” in height. It was simply too big for her and the best solution for her was to go down two sizes to ease up the pressure on her back.
She does understand that some people are always going to be complaining about her obvious size reduction but it’s her body and she can do whatever she wants with it regardless of the millions of people telling her not to or what to do. So far, she hasn’t done anything that would make me complain just as loudly as the time she decided she needed tinier tits than having jumbo jugs.
She remains today as one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood if not the entire world. Her body has continued to give legions of men wet dreams and her films, as varied as they are continue to sell out huge crowds. Big boobs or not, she is still a very hot actress and I don’t see her fading out of the spotlight any time soon.
And for one of the most recognizable stars in Hollywood today, scandals don’t seem to stick or affect her that much. I’m going to place my bets on the fact that there are going to be more nude pics of her leaking online and she won’t even bat an eye. She has managed to transcend scandals and has risen above it all with her grace and dignity intact. And that’s not an easy feat to do.
One thing you can’t deny though is that she’s a really good actress and she has managed to keep her career on track for more than a decade picking the most challenging roles and shining in it no matter how small or few her lines are. Decades from now we’ll still be enjoying her. You can bet on that.
Okay I know I protested at first about her breast reduction but seeing how it has helped her has made me rethink my stand on that. She actually looks better, healthier and a bit more athletic. Her lack of extra upper body weight has also helped her perform most stunts reserved for more experienced stunt people.
I just hope she doesn’t cast her attention on her ass and think “hmmm… my butt looks a bit too big…. Maybe I should…” and off to the ass reduction health facility she goes.
If she does that, I’ll boycott all her films forever.
Oh and here’s something you can use as a wallpaper on your computer if you’re so inclined to have her visible on your workstation as a sign of loyalty.