God works in mysterious ways.
I had barely turned 12 when I discovered porn and I already had it in my mind that one day I’d be a part of the industry. I’d do it by hook or by crook. And I somehow managed to survive for the last decade working in porn related careers. Heck, the only thing I haven’t done is probably be on camera with one of the girls I write about. I probably won’t do it as I wouldn’t want to disappoint anyone out there with the equipment I’m packing, most especially the girl I’m going to perform with. No, I’m fine writing about them and what I love about them and what I’d love to do with them and oh god the things I’d do…
No. No. I’m fine. Really.
Anyway, I also remember one of the most recent times that I actually got on my knees to ask for something and that was back in 2011. I had a copy of the Sports Illustrated Swim Suit edition that Kate Upton was first featured in. Yeah, I brought that with me to church. And I prayed hard for her to shed off everything the next time I see her anywhere.
My wish came true 3 years later, when naked photos of Kate Upton showed up on the Internet and I somehow managed to get a hold of a copy. I swear, it just appeared out of nowhere. Honest! Hehehe
And here I am now, finally writing about her. Not that I haven’t written numerous things about her in the past about her and what I love about her and what I’d love to do with her… sheesh… I better get a hold of myself or I won’t be able to make it through this article.
Okay, so if you’ve been paying close attention to our Top 100 Hottest babes section, you’ll see Kate Upton’s name there and I don’t think it’s going anywhere soon. I didn’t put that there. You guys did. We all voted. So to keep those girls in there or if there’s anyone hot out there right now that you want to see featured, vote for her so she gets a chance to become one of the 100 hottest babes on this page.
So, Kate Upton. Back when everyone was so into rail thin models who look so gaunt you’d suspect a gust of wind would blow them away, Kate Upton was considered one of the outliers. You see, she was considered a plus sized model at that time because she had a little meat on her. And I don’t think anyone minded that didn’t look like a walking, talking coat hanger then.
First off, Kate Upton has a fantastic body with all the right curves in all the right places. And she is pretty as hell. Although she identifies as a Floridian, she was born in Michigan and had her early years there before moving to a more favorable state where the sun shines to make her skin sparkle. Both her parents were into athletics (her mom was a former tennis star and her dad headed an athletics department) so that must be where she got her extremely shapely body from. Who can argue with good genes right?
I mean, what’s not to love about her? She’s a tall blonde girl with piercing blue green eyes, a delicately sculpted face, lips that could put Angelina Jolie’s to shame and naturally big boobs that women go under the knife for. Perhaps the most striking feature Kate has are her eyes. Those blue green orbs just seem to open up and swallow you when you look into them. You could easily get lost in those eyes so be careful when you stare at them.
For all accounts and purposes she is a modern goddess put on this earth to drive our hormones to overdrive regardless if you’re male or female or somewhere in between.
She makes any swimsuit look good. Whether it’s a one piece or just a piece of overpriced thread and patch of cloth meant to cover the important parts while looking good on the beach. Any fragment of clothing she wears looks like its straining to contain her body that just wants to burst out and say hi!
Every time she’s featured on Sports Illustrated we get our minds and imaginations tickled trying to see more of what’s underneath those bothersome pieces of clothing she wears.
And we finally got our wish in 2014 didn’t we boys? It’s rather shameful that we got our enjoyment from her embarrassment when the photos she uploaded to the cloud got leaked but that didn’t seem to have any detrimental effects on her career right? I mean she’s never had any shortage of offers to appear in magazines, film and TV even though the whole world has seen her in her birthday suit (probably the only suit anyone cares to see her in since she first appeared on print).
If Kate Upton was stunning in her swim suit (and other skimpy clothing) shoots, she is more breath taking in the nude. In her nakedness, we get to see what perfection really is. And that Dodgers guy is very lucky to have bagged her and gotten her to say yes when he got down on one knee to propose marriage (that’s right, you may be a big shot on the field but when you’re dating a blonde goddess, you’re gonna have to worship her or else she’s gonna leave your ass for someone who will.)
Those leaked pictures gave us a better view (and appreciation) for what those countless photos in magazines hinted at for years.
Unleashed, Kate Upton’s breasts are perfect. They’re obviously big. Although there are claims that she’s a 34DD, I’d place my bets on her having 39s up top. The debate on their actual size doesn’t really matter to me. It just looks big enough to be comfortable when you place your head on top of it as a pillow. Whoever made the mold for her boobs probably broke it to pieces because I haven’t seen boobs that size that are as perfect as hers. There’s no sag to it and the sexy up curve is enough to change my mind about my preference for small tits. And on top of those mounds are perfect little pink nubbins of pleasure that any man would love to go back in time and become infants again just so they’d be able to suckle on her jugs.
You can’t be on the cover of so many men’s magazines if you don’t have the ass to match. I mean there are only 2 types of men in the world. Breast men and ass men. And the world is filled with more ass men than breast men. Kate has the breast men niche cornered but she hasn’t disappointed those who love her behind as well. She definitely has a tight ass on her. It’s big enough to be hard to resist pinching without being too big like that of a Kardashian’s. Looking at it, you know this girl has put in the time and effort in the gym doing squats and other ass enhancing activities.
I have yet to see a bad photo of Kate Upton. In my line of work, you can bet that I go through hundreds of pictures of girls and I get to see all angles of each girl I write about. For Kate Upton, there hasn’t been any bad picture of her.
Nope. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Zero.
It seems like her body is naturally made for looking good in front of the camera.
And that extends to her personal pictures. You know, those she only took with her iPhone with and not those done in professionally set up shoots. This girl has no bad angles on her. Amazing.
This must be the reason why her leaked pictures were a real hit. I mean come on! There are no bad pictures on that set too! And to think those were done with either just her holding up her phone or her boyfriend (at that time) who is now her fiance.
Now, those pictures were taken obviously for their private viewing only but you’d have to appreciate the fact that those pics were taken so well that we got to enjoy them also.
Take a look at this pic. This one was probably taken inside a walk in closet with no lighting in it to enhance her natural beauty and she still managed to look super model good. Wait, make that super model great!
Even her pussy looks great. She obviously waxes her nether regions as there are no stray hairs to be seen anywhere. You’d have to appreciate her commitment to looking flawless with those pussy pics. Her pussy lips are thick enough to provide the cushion for the pushin’ and it looks tiny enough to cause just the right amount of struggle to get inside her. She’s obviously not shy about giving herself pleasure as a good number of her pics shows her with fingers on her twat.

She may be a goddess but this girl can fuck like a whore. And I don’t mean that in a bad way. She is the perfect package.
She has proven not only to be a very beautiful girl but she’s also shown that she has her wits about her. She is pretty smart especially when it comes to her career and the direction she wants to take it.
What has happened to her after the Fappening happened?
Nothing bad.
In fact, a lot of good things started happening for her. Her fan base doubled, calls started pouring in for her to be featured in magazines, interviews and movies. She’s engaged to the guy she fucked with in front of the camera and she’s turned her sights on hosting.
Is there anything she can do that’s bad for her career?
She was in the new Swim Suit Edition for Sports Illustrated this year and she once again landed on the cover. Who knows how many more years she will be in the magazine?
I love Kate she’s just so stunningly beautiful
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