Let Your Lady Read This: Multiple Benefits To Swallowing Cum

Ah, milk.  Every year, the Dairy Council spends billions of dollars promoting the benefits of this cold, white drink.  But ladies, have you ever considered the advantages of man milk?  Yes, you read that correctly: man milk, also known as sperm.

As strange as it may sound, semen offers a plethora of benefits due to the minerals and nutrients it carries, and those seminal benefits can be passed right on to you.  That’s correct; we completed the research and are now presenting you with the facts.

Perhaps you’ve recently inadvertently swallowed some baby gravy (I’m not sure how that happened), or you regularly consume that guy milk.  Regardless, you want to know if this creamy stuff will give you more than a somewhat sour stomach and a faint acidic aftertaste.  This post is not only for your woman, but also for you to learn the benefits (and risks, yes, there are some) of taking cum.

So let’s plunge into this hot subject and discover what it has to offer.

Ladies, did you know that the vaginal and rectal linings are very absorbent, so either one is a viable route for soaking up the nutrients in your man’s spunk sauce.  Yup, that, aside from making it slowly drip in your esophagus. But we’re here to talk more about swallowing so let’s get on with it.  Yup, because swallowing semen is the quickest way to get all of the benefits of your man’s baby juice, and think, he might even enjoy it too.  Okay, now the benefits.


Semen includes a number of components that have been shown in studies to have anti-depressant properties. Nerve growth factor is one of these. Its principal function in sperm is to calm the female so that the sperm can fulfill its reproductive goal. It has also been found to be a crucial hormone that is deficient in the brains of those suffering from Major Depressive Disorder. This implies that boosting the nerve growth factor would only make people happier. Furthermore, nerve growth factor has been shown to be both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.


Mood-enhancing chemicals found in sperm include oxytocin, progesterone, estrone, serotonin, and melatonin. Oxytocin is also known as the “cuddle hormone” because it makes individuals feel more affectionate and connected when it is released. Anti-anxiety properties of progesterone have been demonstrated. Estrone works with serotonin to improve mood, and melatonin aids in relaxation.

Mood Enhancement

A SUNY institute-supported study discovered those female college students who got baby batter on a regular basis were happier and less suicidal than those who did not.  Researchers attributed this to the mood-enhancing advantages of sperm, but they did not control for any other characteristics, such as a good home life, academic success, or, I don’t know, receiving raw D on a regular basis.  Sounds like a fairly nice position to be in life, and it seems a little irresponsible to say that these women’s happiness was directly based on having 20 ccs of white gold injected into them without considering any other considerations.


Is sperm beneficial to your health?  We know it’s difficult to believe, but indeed, sperm can help you live longer.  When swallowed, spermidine (originally obtained from sperm, hence the name) has been shown to significantly prolong the lifetime of animals by up to 25%.  It was also discovered to protect against liver disease and liver cancer in the same study.

Cognitive Abilities

The body benefits greatly from a nerve growth factors. It is recognized to help prevent brain aging in addition to being an antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant.  The nerve growth factor, which is plentiful in sperm, is essential for the maintenance of brain neurons.  Neurons process and transfer information; they are responsible for the functioning of your brain.  The survival of these neurons is critical for you to have a functioning brain!  Who knew that donating your brain could have such a wonderful effect on your brain?

What does semen taste like?

Only a small percentage of sperm is present in sperm.  Taste is imparted by the other components.  Ergothioneine is one of these components.  This antioxidant is frequently found in mushrooms.  This may impart a faint mushroom flavor to the sperm.

Despite the abundance of anecdotal evidence, there is no conclusive research demonstrating that food influences the taste of sperm.  Some argue that fruit juice and vegetables improve the taste, whereas red meat, cheese, and coffee may degrade it.

The taste of semen varies from person to person.  Some people describe the taste as being:

  • salty
  • bitter
  • sweet
  • metallic
  • musky

Swallowing Semen Has Physical Advantages As Well

Have you lately had a vitamin insufficiency test and discovered that you were deficient in a few essential nutrients? So grab a spoon and ask your man for some nut butter, because sperm is high in zinc, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and citrate.  The nutrients are absorbed in your body similarly to a low-cost vitamin shot.

Is it as protein-rich as everyone says?

Despite its reputation as a high-protein source, consuming gallons of semen is unlikely to result in any dietary health benefits.  Although the amount of ejaculate varies from person to person based on a variety of parameters such as age and health, protein is only a minor component.  It accounts for roughly one-twentieth of the total fluid.


This may come as a surprise to you, but sperm benefits both the inside and outside of your body.  With the levels of zinc, vitamin C, and spermidine in your man’s jizz, you could start your own skincare brand (this statement has not been evaluated by the FDA).


Looking for an all-natural teeth whitening alternative? Check out your man’s pudgy instead of the charcoal.  Although it is not the white paste you are accustomed to using on your toothbrush, semen contains a high concentration of zinc, which is a natural teeth whitener. Zinc’s primary function is to improve sperm survival.  But that doesn’t mean it can’t also help your pearly whites survive.


Have you heard of keratin therapy?  In essence, you pay someone hundreds of dollars to inject protein into your hair to strengthen it.  So, did you know there’s a protein source you’ve probably never considered?  Semen has about 200 distinct types of protein, which can provide your hair with the necessary strength and gloss.

Semen also includes spermidine, which has been found to induce shaft elongation (LOL) as well as extended hair growth when applied to human scalps.  Even if semen is the one thing you’ve intentionally attempted to keep out of your hair, try this DIY hair treatment the next time you want to give your hair some vitality.


Baby, spermidine is back!  Spermidine, in addition to enhancing longevity and promoting good hair, is an antioxidant that is beneficial to the skin.  It is thought to smooth skin, reduce wrinkles, and even reduce acne.

In fact, spermidine-derived face lotion can cost up to $200!  If you don’t want to spend that much money, a money shot is a less expensive and more natural option.

It’s an analgesic.

Impressed?  You ought to be! Nature knows exactly what she’s doing!  Seminal plasma contains a variety of beneficial substances, including testosterone, estrogen, prolactin, opioid peptides, oxytocin, serotonin, melatonin, and norepinephrine.  Think about it: you can get a dosage of all of that without even going to the vitamin store!

When I tell women with arousal issues that they can gain all of the health benefits listed above, it typically makes them more receptive to sex.

If people believe it would help them sleep better or relieve pain, their readiness to “swallow” increases.  They can suddenly accept intercourse if they believe it would assist with their sadness.  Furthermore, if you’re ready to give it a shot, there are techniques to make sperm taste better, so you might even appreciate it.

Although much of this information is preliminary and needs to be reproduced.  However, I believe that additional and more empirical studies will back up these preliminary conclusions.

Of all, nothing is perfect, and there are some health hazards associated with ingesting sperm.

Now that you know how to use that baby batter to your advantage, there are a few things you should consider before diving headfirst into a cauldron of high fructose porn syrup.


1. You may be allergic to sperm.  Before you start smearing it on your skin or guzzling it down like the thirsty thirst trap you are, you should be aware of a condition known as Human Seminal Plasma Protein Hypersensitivity.  Itching, wheezing, hives, chest tightness, and difficulty breathing are all symptoms of an allergic reaction.

2. Though semen has numerous benefits, keep in mind that it is not available in large quantities (1 tsp).  Most of the results would require a large amount of sperm.  So, if you’re simply interested in the perks, you might be disappointed.  Instead, we encourage you to appreciate the nut butter for what it is and perceive the advantages as a bonus.

3. Finally, and maybe most importantly, ensure that your source of sperm is STD-free!  Pouring diseased liquid gold all over your body will cause far more harm than benefit.  Inform your partner that you’d like to benefit from his groin gravy, but he must first be tested.

4. Remember that STDs can be contracted by oral sex, anal intercourse, or getting sex fluids in your eyes!  Swallowing sperm, like any other form of unprotected sex, can put you at risk for an STI.  Bacterial infections, such as gonorrhea and chlamydia, can harm the throat in the absence of a barrier birth control strategy.  Contact can result in skin-to-skin viral diseases such as herpes.  Before you and your partner participate in any unprotected intercourse, including oral stimulation, discuss when you were last tested and whether you believe you should be tested.

Oh, and here.

You see, you, as a man should be able to get some seminal rewards too!  Sure, go ahead and smear it on your face and in your hair, but does the thought of drinking your own kool-aid or shooting it up your butt disgust and terrify you in ways that you’ve never felt before?  Not to fear!  There’s a way for you to utilize your own love juice, and it involves loving yourself.

Injaculation, or “retrograde ejaculation” is the process of releasing your semen inside your own body.  When nearing close to ejaculation, instead of allowing the splooge and all of its benefits lands on an ungrateful sock, you release it in retrograde, or back inside of your body.  It may sound painful or unnatural, but it’s not.  Taoists have practiced injaculating for thousands of years, as well as certain sects of Buddhism, Hinduism, and even ancient Egyptians!  So go on, show yourself some love.






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