Vanessa Hudgens Scandal
Long before the Fappening happened, there was the Vanessa Hudgens scandal.
It was considered the most scandalous event to happen in years as it involved two Disney Channel child stars with supposedly squeaky clean images attached to their names. But there it was, Vanessa Hudgens’ pictures festooned over most adolescent male’s wall paper as they fantasized over this caramel skinned beauty.
For those who probably weren’t old enough to know about this scandal, let’s just say that naked selfies sent over cellular networks back then are just as dangerous as storing it in the cloud. These pictures were allegedly for her then boyfriend, Zac Efron, and were supposed to be just for his personal enjoyment. Yep, that Zac Efron who’s considered to be the all American good boy moms and dads love all over the world. Him.
This just proves one point: Teenagers are horny.
It doesn’t matter if they’re boys or girls, they’ll find a way to have some sexual release. And this does not exempt teen stars with squeaky clean images.
If you’ve got a teenage boy or girl at home, don’t give them a phone with a camera. They’re probably going to end up online naked for all the world to see. Learn from Vanessa and Zac, just give ‘em a phone with clicky phone pad. Heck, that’s not even going to be insurance that they won’t do something stupid with that thing!
Anyway, enough with this PSA (we’re just doing society a favor here, we are after all responsible citizens who are only out to make sure everyone’s safe), let’s get on to Vanessa Hudgens.
Vanessa Hudgens was one of the lead stars in the High School Musical. There she played the role of Gabriella Montez which showcased her fantastic singing and dancing abilities. She and her aforementioned co-star quickly became media darlings and within a couple of years became household names.
Their romance onscreen became a reel to real romance during their stint on that show. The media followed them around trying to get more dirt on the two but they failed to do so as they were very careful not to show too much public displays of affection. In private, these two were fucking like bunnies.
It was never confirmed that they were already sexually active as Zac managed to pull off the clean, boy next door look without any effort. That is until photos of Vanessa surfaced.
They were clearly taken as a jest and for personal enjoyment only. Too bad for these two, their intimate moment was shared by millions of others all over the world.
But that’s enough of that back story. Let’s get to the most important thing about that scandal: was it worth it to see those pictures?
My answer: a resounding YES!
Those pictures gave us an eyeful of Vanessa Hudgens young, sexy body.
It proved that not only did Vanessa Hudgens have a pretty face, she also had a sexy body and an oh so lovely young pussy just waiting to be eaten out.
Check these out:
Vanessa Hudgens Nude Pictures

When I first saw that pic, i couldn’t really believe it was her. The rest of the world were also in denial that it was their favorite actress naked in front of them especially because she was so young and was regarded as a major influence for kids her age who admired her.
With that photo they were still able to deny that it was her. Thanks to her hair obscuring a good portion of her face, they could easily claim that it was someone who looked like her and wasn’t really her. So, okay, that seemed to work for most people and parents were pacified.
My thoughts? Well, they were more to this effect: “nice tits. I wonder if there’s more out there”
It didn’t take long before my prayers were answered and more photos of her leaked online.
The next photo that surfaced was her standing in front of a mirror showcasing her fully naked body. Her face is clearer and it’s pretty obvious that she posed for the one taking the picture. I can’t help but notice that her face is still flush so was she blushing because she was slightly embarrassed or was that a sexual afterglow? I couldn’t really tell because I couldn’t see if she had swollen lips down there which is a clear indication of recent sexual activity.
The perky tits still look the same though but the navel ring she had in her first photo was gone. Hmmm, I still wasn’t fully convinced that it was really her yet.
Another nagging thought in my mind was: “She should trim that bush a little bit more artistically to make it aesthetically pleasing.”
Now this pic was the one that convinced me it was her. This was obviously not a reflection and she was hamming it up in front of the camera. She was also throwing the “Wildcats” sign which was their school basketball team’s name.
Aaaand same tits! So, I retracted my initial doubts that it was her in the first 2 pics and accepted that she was a true cam whore. And I’m not saying that in a bad way.
In this pic we get to see her dusky colored nipples, little pencil eraser sized nubbins that Zac Efron obviously enjoyed before any other guy did.
This is the pic I saved into my hard drive for a very long time. This was the one pic I loved out of that collection because it shows Vanessa Hudgens totally relaxed and having fun posing for the camera. She’s smiling which means she was having a great time.
We get to see her pretty face with clarity with her slightly disheveled hair framing it perfectly.
Her perky tits are also in full view for your appreciation and if you look further down below, you’ll see she trimmed her bush into a strip.
This is what teenage perfection looks like. She was just 18 at this time.
And last but not the least, this pic:
I nearly missed this pic thinking it was just her posing in front of a camera on a regular daily basis. Upon closer inspection I finally saw what only a few guys (most especially Zac Efron) had seen and enjoyed. I finally get to see what her actual pussy looks like and man it is beautiful!
Her pussy looks like it’s barely been touched. Her clit is slightly peeking out as if to say “hello, I’m right here, come.”
It’s a good think I took a second look at that pic and now it’s quickly becoming my favorite pic of her out of all the others. She’s obviously a bit older here so I don’t know if that’s Zac or someone else taking the photo and enjoying the hell out of her. Who cares about those guys anyway? Maybe it’s that Hunger Games guy who took the pic. He’s her main squeeze nowadays.
Moving on…
Vanessa Hudgens can credit her exotic looks to her mom, a Filipina who married an Irishman with Native American blood coursing through his veins. And the result is a very beautiful Vanessa Hudgens who captured the hearts and minds of people all over the world as she sang her way through success. She’s a pretty good example of why people should stop being racists. I mean come on! Mixing it up has proven to have very good results about 98% of the time.
Vanessa’s good looks were pretty evident at a young age and her talents were also developed just as soon as she learned how to talk. By age 8, she’d already become a veteran stage performer appearing in local shows in her town. Those shows were The King and I, The Wizard of Oz and all those other classics that have stood the test of time.
Her stellar performances paved the way to a career as part of the stable of actresses Disney managed. Her bubbly attitude and over abundance of talent helped her secure the co-lead role of Gabriella Montez. That in turn led to a budding romance with her and her co-star and eventually the naked pics we just enjoyed a few lines ago.
That fiasco blew up overnight and many speculated that she’d be booted out of the TV series. When the Disney bigwigs decided not to do so, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Their official statement was that she had learned her lesson and it is unfortunate that she was caught in that compromising situation thus tainting her squeaky clean image.
Thankfully no other scandal appeared after that and Vanessa and Zac were able to complete their contracts and move on to bigger things in life.
That series eventually ended and the pair went their separate ways. That ended their reel and real life romance. Zac Efron went on to become on the most bankable young stars in Hollywood while Vanessa has somehow survived on a selection of small roles for TV and movies. The major bulk of her career is focused on music and doing stage plays. Her star has dimmed ever so slightly. Whether that’s because of the scandal or not is entirely up for debate.
When asked if she would be willing to take on more risqué roles in the future, Vanessa replied that she would only take them if she liked the role. When asked a more direct question about her going nude on film she replied with a stern “No”.
She went on to say that although part of her legacy will always be the fact that she posed naked in photos that circulated the world, those photos were done in the privacy of a room and were meant only for private viewing. She can’t stop people from continuing to distribute them. But, just because the entire human population has seen her in all her naked glory doesn’t mean she’s going to pose nude or engage in sexual situations for public consumption.
A good answer from someone so young but hasn’t she heard of the Scarlett Johansson maneuver? If you’re ever caught with naked photos, bombard the viewing public with more so they can move on with their lives. There’s no point in hiding or denying the fact that it’s you on that image, just own up to it and focus on damage control.
Now that she’s withholding her naked sexy body from us, there’s going to always be a constant threat of someone hacking her phone in hopes of finding another set of naked Vanessa Hudgens photos to share to the rest of the world.
For now, just enjoy what we have here for you and if you ever catch wind of any new photos, make sure you send us a copy by posting it in the comments section below.
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Bad timing