Tessa Fowler

This picture is part of a gallery: Hey there guys! The evidence shows that I might have to get myself a new bra once this one is over, because this one just isn't quite able to hold these babies in, if you know what I mean. I might have to radio back to base to ask for reinforcements!

Hey  there guys! The evidence shows that I might have to get myself a new bra once this one is over, because this one just isn't quite able to hold these babies in, if you know what I mean.  I might have to radio back to base to ask for reinforcements!

Hey there guys! The evidence shows that I might have to get myself a new bra once this one is over, because this one just isn't quite able to hold these babies in, if you know what I mean. I might have to radio back to base to ask for reinforcements!

Image Source: Tessa Fowler Pictures

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